Review Your Preparedness Plan Before Disaster Strikes

Review Your Preparedness Plan Before Disaster Strikes

Aug 29, 2018
  • Author:
    Jackie Jones, CPMSM
    Senior Consultant
    Jackie works with VerityStream clients on development/conversion of facilities' privileges and has over 25 years of experience as a Medical Staff Services Professional. Prior to joining VerityStream in August 2015, Jackie was the Director of Medical Staff Services at Kaiser Foundation Hospital in San Diego for nearly 18 years.

To all of the Medical Staff Professional leaders who may be reading this…when was the last time you reviewed your facilities’ Disaster Preparedness Plan? Or your Emergency/Disaster Privileges policy? Are you on your facilities’ Emergency Preparedness Committee? Are you on the recall of essential personnel list? You should be!  Between the possibility of earthquakes and raging wildfires on the west coast, tornadoes in the plains and Midwest, or the potential for hurricanes and flooding on the eastern seaboard, the Gulf States and Hawaii you never know when disaster may strike and your Disaster Preparedness Plan will need to be activated.  

Within the past two years many of our counterparts have had an active part in their Disaster Preparedness Plan as their facilities were either threatened by wildfires in California or devastated by tornadoes in Missouri or suffered damages from flood waters in Florida.

Just a reminder to review your policy and make sure it’s up to date…you never know when you’re going to need it!