How to be Successful in Medical Staff Services (MSS): Advice from Industry Leaders

How to be Successful in Medical Staff Services (MSS): Advice from Industry Leaders

Feb 16, 2021
  • Author:
    Noelle Abarelli

Working in Medical Staff Services (MSS) is ever-changing and always rewarding. From being able to help patients access the best care, to providing physicians with accurate information, every role in the MSS industry is crucial to its success. In our webinar, Evolving Careers: Learning from those who have focused in a specialty of Medical Staff Services (MSS), a panel of industry veterans weighed in on their experience and what it takes to succeed in the field. Watch the webinar, or read on for top takeaways.

ABL: Always Be Learning

As obvious as it may seem, we feel it bears mentioning. Whether you’re working in an industry that’s technology-driven like MSS, or not, the fact is the more you continue to learn, the better you’ll do your job. There are a variety of free online courses available in multiple disciplines, as well as conferences throughout the year designed to expand your knowledge base. Some organizations even offer their employees access to courses on-premise and the ability to achieve Green Belt Certification. In fact, you may be able to secure employee assistance and continuing education opportunities through your HR department. Don’t be afraid to ask!

Embrace Technology

Chances are, if you’re in the MSS field, you’ve already made technology a big part of your life, but it’s important to continuously nurture a technical mindset. You need to be able to look at the different technologies available, and determine whether there are any opportunities presented therein that can improve your day-to-day. You don't necessarily need to become an expert in Excel or One Note, but having the ability to apply technical ideologies will go a long way in getting your job done effectively.

Use Your Brain

Though it’s a soft skill, critical thinking is incredibly important for any industry. It’s necessary to be able to look at a problem, step back, and work up a game plan on the best way to address the issue. Critical thinking will allow you to discern what issues to prioritize, will make you a better problem solver, and will allow for continued growth. This goes hand in hand with being committed to quality at all times, and being ready to scrutinize issues on a whole while not taking anything for granted.


Working in the MSS field means you’re constantly given different obstacles to overcome, and at times, that can become overwhelming. That’s why you need to know how to effectively prioritize. Prioritizing will ensure you meet all your day-to-day goals, along with your long-term ones. Being able to identify must do's, can do's, and want to do's will go a long way in keeping you ahead of the curve.

Use Your Words

This goes without saying, but the ability to communicate effectively is extremely important. Whether interacting with a patient, a colleague, or physician, being able to easily and clearly share information is crucial.

Get Out There

Volunteer for projects that are outside your own job description. Gaining experience in other areas will diversify what you’re able to accomplish within your own department. You could even look into participating in an internship program to give you hands-on experience in a different field, like IT for example.

Be Flexible

Practicing agility is crucial for anybody looking to expand their career within the MSS space. Think about trees, for example. The ones with flexible limbs that move with the wind will survive for years, whereas the trees with no give are the first to be ripped out of the ground. This also applies to picking your battles and really thinking about what hill are you willing to die on. Not all fights are worth pursuing, no matter how passionate you may feel. Of course, it’s important to take pride in your work, but equally as important is the knowledge to know when to step down.

Be The Light

This tip is so valuable, it’s like five tips in one!

  • Always apologize when you're wrong. If you make a mistake, apologize, and do all you can to fix it.
  • Give credit where credit is due. Don't be afraid to shine the light on your team members, and on others that help you along the way.
  • Always treat others as if one day you're going to be sitting across the desk from them asking for your dream job.
  • Always, whenever possible, go above and beyond. When you exceed expectations you grow, your team benefits, and your organization thrives.
  • And of course, remember to keep your eye on the prize—being results-oriented in the MSS field is an unofficial requirement, and crucial for the well-being of the entire organization.