CAQH and Provider Data Management

What is CAQH?

The Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare (CAQH) is a non-profit alliance of health plans and trade associations, developing and leading initiatives that positively impact the business of healthcare. Through collaboration and innovation, CAQH accelerates the transformation of business processes, delivering value to providers, patients and health plans.

CAQH realizes that the availability and sharing of electronic data is driving a revolution in our nation’s healthcare system, and access to accurate, timely provider data is critical for its success. Without timely access to provider data, today’s healthcare organizations will suffer.

The Cost of Poor Provider Data Management

There are many cost implications associated with poor provider data management. Two areas where limited access to accurate, timely provider data are driving up costs are credentialing and directory maintenance.

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Managing provider data has major financial implications on your organization. If you’re looking to seamlessly standardize the process, VerityStream can help. We currently serve over 2,400 hospitals and 1,300 outpatient facilities in the U.S.