Consulting Connection Blog

Four Reasons Credentialing Remotely is a Win-Win

Oct 24, 2018, 18:52 PM by System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Telerik.Sitefinity.Model.IDataItem]
This is the first article in a series on remote working and shares four benefits to offering this work arrangement to credentialing staff.

Working from home is becoming more common this past decade. A Gallup Survey in 2016 found 43% of employed US workers indicate they worked remotely at least some of the time. HealthStream has a longtime practice of hiring remote workers in addition to staffing offices. When the VerityStream San Diego office recently moved, many of the staff, including me, experienced working from home during construction.

There are many reasons working from home is on the upswing. These include:

  • Greater Pool of Employees: If your team does not need to be physically at a specific location there is no geographical limit on where you hire. This is particularly helpful if you live in a remote area or one with a hot economy.

  • Increased Employee Satisfaction: Anyone who has commuted in heavy traffic areas are immediately going to be happier not having to deal with it twice a day, five days a week. Another satisfier is not having to adhere to a dress code. Who cares if employees work in slippers and sweats as long as the work is done? 

  • Lower Costs: Remote working offers reduced expenses for the business and the employee. The organization saves on office related expenses.The office (assuming there is one) can have a smaller footprint along with less utility usage and other costs. You might be able to save on labor costs by hiring employees in a lower cost area. Employees will save on commuting costs including gas, car maintenance, and tolls. Food costs can decrease as meals on the go and lunches out are reduced.

  • Increased Productivity and Flexibility: Your employees are going to find themselves more productive without interruptions from co-workers or distractions in the office setting. Additionally, tardiness and absenteeism usually decline in a remote working situation. People who might not want to drive to an office if they have a cold will be fine working from home and transportation delays due to traffic or a flat tire are eliminated.

Having a remote staff gives you more scheduling flexibility. Employees have more ability to work hours alternate schedules including early morning, evenings and weekends when they do not have to be in the office.

These are just a few of the benefits realized with remote workers. Is it time you considered offering this option to your credentialing team?