Medical Staff Office Quarantine - What You Need to Know During the COVID-19 National Emergency

Medical Staff Office Quarantine - What You Need to Know During the COVID-19 National Emergency

Mar 19, 2020
  • Author:
    Noelle Abarelli

A National Emergency has been declared for COVID-19. The job of a medical staff professional is changing daily as are requirements from the federal government. Providing care to patients and responding to this pandemic is the focus of your medical staff office and the entire healthcare system right now. VerityStream is here to support you in every way we can. Here are a few tips and few resources you can take advantage of right from your home office.

Telemedicine Privileging Tips:

  • Grant telemedicine privileges without medical staff membership
  • Process all telemedicine providers as a group, rather than individually
  • It is not necessary to maintain individual files for each provider. 
  • Manage these telehealth providers electronically and run the verification queries (such as NPDB and state licensure) through your credentialing software
  • Communicate to patient care staff of what services telemedicine providers have been granted

March 24th - Disaster and Telehealth Privileging During the COVID-19 National Emergency

Hosted by Todd Sagin, MD, JD, President & National Medical Director, Sagin Healthcare Consulting, and Vicki L. Searcy, Vice President, Consulting Services, VerityStream


March 27th - Tele-Staffing and Working from Home During the COVID-19 National Emergency

Hosted by Lisa Rothmuller, AVP, VerityStream Consulting Services, and Kay Lynn Akers, Advisor, VerityStream Consulting Services


April 2nd - Conducting Virtual Credentialing Meetings and Electronic Approvals During the COVID-19 National Emergency

Hosted by Meghan Kurtz, VerityStream Sr. Consultant and Angela Beardsley, VerityStream Consultant


April 15th - Provider Enrollment and Financial Implications, Facts and Resources During the COVID-19 National Emergency

Hosted by Amanda Walker, CPCS, Manager, Legacy Health Services, Emilia Webster, CPMSM, CPCS, Director, Provider Affairs, Henry Ford Health System, Cheryl Cisneros, RN, BSN, CPCS, CPMSM, Advisor, VerityStream Consulting Services from VerityStream, and Dawn Anderson, PESC, CPCS, CPMSM, Senior Consulting, VerityStream Consulting Services from VerityStream