2021 Annual Report on Provider Enrollment

Sep 24, 2021, 14:10 PM by System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Telerik.Sitefinity.Model.IDataItem]
Every year, VerityStream, a leading provider of Credentialing, Enrollment, Privileging, and Evaluation solutions, surveys hundreds of provider enrollment professionals to learn more about their processes, progress and priorities.

Every year, VerityStream surveys hundreds of provider enrollment professionals to learn more about their processes, progress and priorities. This year's survey received almost 500 responses, and one thing is for certain, today’s enrollment professionals are on a mission to continuously improve!
Priorities that are top of mind this year include:

  • Reducing time to enroll providers.
  • Reducing required resources and administrative cost through automation and process simplification.
  • Implementing process efficiencies to improve the financial results related to employing physicians and/or owning physician practices.