Accurately Evaluate Provider Performance

Measure and Monitor Provider Performance Data with Relevant Data and Shareable Outputs of Evaluate

Comprehensively view every provider in your health setting, while you measure and monitor their performance and share that data with relevant parties. Assessing provider performance requires a fair process built around relevant data and shareable outputs. However, knowing what to measure, how to collect meaningful data from numerous and disparate sources, and the best way to share robust reports remains a struggle for many healthcare organizations.

With Evaluate by VerityStream, you get the process, content, and data needed to support peer review and ongoing/focused professional practice evaluation (OPPE and FPPE) and the insight required to improve patient care while in compliance with regulations. This presents a holistic view of provider performance – from procedure volume reports of “how many” and drillable clinical outcomes data of “how well” – to a streamlined review of individual cases. The processes defined, data collected, and knowledge generated by Evaluate provides actionable information that enables clinical and administrative leaders to ensure patients receive competent care from qualified people.

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